We get it.

The COVID-19 virus has put enormous strain on the restaurant industry. We know.. our company was founded by two industry veterans that were directly affected by the pandemic.

We understand that you've managed to survive through lockdowns, food delivery fees 😠 and reduced capacity.

Now you're being asked by health professionals to get the name and phone number of every customer as part of new rules to reopen!

What is contact tracing? Contact tracing is the process of identifying people who have been exposed to COVID-19 to prevent further transmission. Contact tracing aims to break up the chain of transmission and is an essential tool for controlling the virus. More information...

So you roll up your sleeves once more...

You load up Microsoft Word, create a table with columns for Name, Phone number and Time, print out a bunch of copies, slap them on a clipboard and place it at the front door.

But then you realize...

Every patron is touching the same log book and pen 😧 or you're paying a host to collect the information at the door.

There are real privacy concerns --- what happens if a guest is able to see the name and phone number of another guest?

What if you have a rush? Now you have patrons lined up or crowded at the door

What about your best customers? Are the guys that show up for lunch every day expected to write down the same information every time??

We have a better way.

Scan QR code
Enter contact information
Access menus and offers
Sample QR code
Sample QR code

We let your guests scan a QR code using their phone. They enter their own name and phone number on their phone instead of writing it down. And if they are repeat customer, they don't have to enter the same information on their next visit.

They can answer any health screening questions that you set up, access your digital menu and leave you feedback

A customer scanning a QR code at a restaurant hostess stand

We get your guests to the table faster.

We've made it easy for your restaurant to get started. We offer a free 30-day trial and we don't ask for a credit card upfront.


About us

qr arrived is a guest check-in tool that allows you to safely and efficiently capture contact information for contact tracing purposes.


qr arrived is a product of 12509202 Canada Inc.

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